Document Requests

Transcripts and Recommendations Letters for Current Students

Academic Records Request Form

Record Requests for Former Students

All former SWHS students requesting their transcript or immunization record must download and complete the Record Request Form (below) and either mail, fax or email it to the School Counseling Department. Requests will be processed within 10 school days of the receipt of the form. Please note than an official transcript is one that is signed, has the school imprint, and in a sealed envelope which is done by a School Counseling official. This official transcript should only be opened by the intended/prospective institution, college, employer, etc. for which the former SWHS student is in connection with.

Former Student Records Request Form   

Working Papers

Students must bring their completed and signed Promise of Employment from their employer to School Counseling. The Promise of Employment letter should be printed on company letterhead and it should contain the following information: business contact information, hourly wage, hours per week and a detailed list of tasks.

If you are not an SWHS student, but are a South Windsor resident, you can obtain working papers at SWHS with proper identification. Please see the state website for more information on acceptable forms of identification. 

Please allow up to 3 school days to process requests.

Summer Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30am to 2:30pm

For more information, please contact the School Counseling office:

South Windsor High School - School Counseling Office
161 Nevers Road, South Windsor, CT 06074
Phone: 860-648-5003
Fax: 860-648-5088
Email: [email protected]